
Loch a Choireachain

New loch added by visitor 24.7.09. Lots of trout in all sizes from 4oz up to a few half pounders. Flies to try loch ordie and anything black. Only 2 mins from the road and easy to fish from the bank. Not listed on angling club or crofters permits!
OS Grid: NC113243
Decimal: 58.167096, -5.209699
Degrees: 58° 10' 1.5456'' N, 5° 12' 34.9164'' W
Fishing details: Assynt Angling Group, Western Zone
Permit details: £7.50/day, £40/week from from these outlets


Please tell us about your experience of fishing at this loch. This will help other anglers as well as local angling groups.

Your feedback is important so please tell us:

  • Where you fished, when, what conditions were like.
  • What you caught, when and on what (be a little vague if you don't want to give it all away!)
  • Anything other anglers should be aware of - access, reeded up waters, difficulties etc.

Got photos? Email them to us: adam4rj@gmail.com

6 years ago
Anonymous said
I fished this loch for an hour in late evening on 23/5/18. There was a moderate East wind, and I restricted my casting to the south west corner. I landed 4 fish ranging from 2 to 8oz on a size 12 with a silver body, red tag tail and teal wing. On my way back to the road I stumbled and fell in the heather. On the following day I discovered that my legs were covered in lumps from tiny ticks, which my wife carefully removed.
I usually wear waterproof over-trousers which make it difficult for ticks to get a grip, but this time I was careless, and didn't wear them.
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6 years ago
admin said
Just following up this post about ticks. For advice and a free tick removal tool, go to:


Not sure if they're worse than normal this year - what's people's experience?

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6 years ago
Anonymous said
I spent two days and a night on the banks of Fionn Loch this June. The fishing was fantastic but I came back with over a dozen tick bites. I spend quite a lot of time in the hills but had only ever been bitten once before. Needless to say I'd think twice about wild camping up this way again, which is a shame.
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6 years ago
Anonymous said
I was up for a month in June 2018 and had no ticks at all which is unusal as spend 4 nights on the hill most years. I have stopped wearing shorts and gaiters which was my favoured atire as they kept crawling upwards!! I have some nasty scars where knives have been used to extract the enemy from some akward areas. But generally there are more ticks around than in the past 40 years and more deer up around Suilven. Just keep checking yourself regularly and don't forget that you have freckles which look like ticks after too much whisky
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6 years ago
Anonymous said
After a comparatively mild winter they are likely to be bad in 2019.
Tuck trousers into socks and shirts into trousers as the shirt/trouser and trouser/sock gap is the most likely place that they can get to you.
Check your dog for ticks after it has run in long grass or heather.
Local shops sell tick removal tools and it is sensible to carry one.
I hike and wild camp several weeks in tick season and taking the above precautions has worked for me.
15 years ago
Anonymous said
Lots of trout in all sizes from 4oz up to a few half pounders.Flies to try loch ordie and anything black.Only 2 mins from the road and easy to fish from the bank.Not listed on angling club or crofters permits!
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9 years ago
Anonymous said
I fished this loch on evenings in August 2014 and May 2015, from the South East Bank and the North peninsula bank. The fish ranged from a few oz up to a half pound - and they seemed to like a Black Pennel. Where the stream exits on the South bank there are plastic pipes exiting downhill - presumably this loch is used as a water supply.
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7 years ago
Anonymous said
Back again in July 2017, I fished this loch in a strong SW wind for a couple of hours in late evening. The wind limited the area I was able to fish, and I caught (and released) one 3-to-a-pound trout, plus had many tweaks from tiddlers