
Loch Leathed a'Bhaile Fhoghair (Lexy's Loch)

A beautiful loch that can be the starting point of a day up in Stoer's hill lochs, or a qucik visit in the morning or evening when it fishes better.

Either park in Stoer and walk down the unmarked track that leads off the B869 by the cemetery, or drive down here about half a mile. You will reach the loch at its western edge and can fish right around the bays, drop offs and islands.

Trout are mostly around the half pound mark and the southern side can be better, but harder to fish.

Head on from here to Loch Poll an Droighinn, Lochan Dubh and Loch na h-Uidhe Doimhne

OS Grid: NC050281
Decimal: 58.198431, -5.319778
Degrees: 58° 11' 54.3516'' N, 5° 19' 11.2008'' W
Fishing details: Assynt Crofters' Trust
Permit details: £10/day, £30/week from from usual outlets


Please tell us about your experience of fishing at this loch. This will help other anglers as well as local angling groups.

Your feedback is important so please tell us:

  • Where you fished, when, what conditions were like.
  • What you caught, when and on what (be a little vague if you don't want to give it all away!)
  • Anything other anglers should be aware of - access, reeded up waters, difficulties etc.

Got photos? Email them to us: adam4rj@gmail.com

3 years ago
Anonymous said
Cold and in bright sun didn't bode too well. Started very dour, but two great fish, one of 17 inches. Both on black pennel on the point, fished slowly.
5 years ago
Anonymous said
On Sunday afternoon, 2nd June, I set off for Lexy's Loch. It was overcast with a moderate SW to W wind. I fished along the south bank with a variety of flies - no luck and no sign of rising fish. Then around 6:30pm at the SE end, I hooked and landed (and returned) a dark-coloured brown trout which was close to a pound in weight. It took a size 12 long-shank mini-lure of the Sweeny Todd variety. The wind dropped as I worked my way back along westwards, and I noticed small white moths fluttering around, so I tried a size 12 fly with a light olive body and a white hackle. A sizeable trout accepted my offer, then performed aerial acrobatics until it cast off the debarbed hook. I like Lexy's Loch - you may have to wait for offers, but they are usually good sized fish.
6 years ago
Anonymous said
Back in Lochinver for a week's fishing.
Off to Lexy's loch in mid afternoon of 18/5/18. There was brisk West wind, with a slight rain which disappeared and there were glimpses of Sun. I fished the South Bank - there was a fair wave, and no fish moving. Around 6pm at the far SE end a lovely trout took a size 12 fly (metallic green body, silver rib, tippet tail and black hackle). It was about the length of a pounder, but possibly a bit too slim to make a full pound. Then later, back half way along the South bank, I hooked another similar sized trout on a Teal Red and Silver longshank 12. I finished around 8:30pm
Once again off to Lexy's loch in late afternoon on 20/5/18. It was rainy with a SW wind, so I fished the South bank. I landed a trout in the pound class, and lost another similar trout when it leapt and lost the debarbed hook. Both took the Teal red and silver. I also landed a tiddler and another small fish (unusual for Lexy's Loch).
On 22/5/18 I fished the loch above Lexy's, (Loch Poll an Droiginn), and in the evening I dropped down to Lexy's Loch, and with a strong, cold, east wind, I fished the North East bank, but had no takes.
All fish safely returned.

7 years ago
Anonymous said
I fished Lexy's Loch on the afternoon (noon to 6pm) of Monday 27th July 2017. There was a very strong WSW wind, so I restricted myself to the south bank, mainly up the east end. There was a large wave, and casting across-wind was tricky. Unusually, I touched no fish. I would probably have had better luck in the evening when the wind moderated - but I was off surveying other lochs.
7 years ago
Anonymous said
29 May 2017.
Fished the north shore in the morning. Slow going, the wind oscillating SE/SW unhelpful, but the sheltered south shore was glassy so I fished the ripple. Two fish of 12oz on Black Pennel and Silver Butcher - taken. Fished here about the same time last year and took two larger fish of around 1lb. After lunch followed the wire fence up the hill to Loch Poll - see separate report.
8 years ago
Anonymous said
First visit to this Loch...we were staying at a caravan in Stoer during Easter of 1983
We fished in the last of the daylight into darkness and had a great time..... 12 trout up to 3lbs.

I returned again and again and the fishing has been dour. Still hoping to recapture that first time.
8 years ago
Anonymous said
Fished here June 2016 biggest fish 1 1/2 pounds, some smaller fish but then the loch turned a bit dooer as is normal here, all fish safely returned to water, fish were caught on a gold headed Daddy long legs, great sport.
8 years ago
Anonymous said
I was back to Assynt in June 2016, and fished Lexy's Loch twice from the bank.
On 12/6/16 there was bright sunshine and a light SE wind. In the evening I headed up to the South East corner. The loch level was low, and there were no signs of rising fish. I hooked a good sized fish, but it resorted to aerial acrobatics, and got off! As darkness fell, there were a few sporadic rises, but I had no further luck. The hooked fish took a size 12 longshank Teal Red and Silver - not unlike a Peter Ross on a longshank (debarbed) hook.
On 17/6/2016, I was again off to Lexy's in the evening (from about 6pm to 9:30pm). A fishing boat party had just left the loch - catch unknown. It was bright with a strong N wind, so I headed up along the North Bank. I landed, and returned, 3 fish - two were about 5oz, and the third about a pound. Again, the Teal Red and Silver hooked two, with a variant using a silvery green body and a sparkly wing hooking the third (and smallest).
Lexy's remains one of my favourite Assynt Lochs, with good sized trout which need a bit of patience to catch.

9 years ago
Anonymous said
I dropped by Lexy's on the 7th of June for a couple of hours in the late afternoon. It's a lovely loch and despite a cold north-westerly I did see fish rising at various points just as I had to leave. Before then I managed a fighting half-pounder and - a bit of a surprise - a minnow which took a size 14 dry fly! It was fairly hooked too. I didn't know this species was present in Assynt. Not the best of fishing days, and indeed that remained the story for the rest of my stay in the north-west. I think I'll leave next year's visit a bit later and risk the midges!

Colin M.
reply (1)
9 years ago
Anonymous said
It has been unusually cold which seems to have knocked some of the fishing 9as well as plant life being later etc.). I had 3 hours up at Lexy's on 20th June and it was pretty slow going. Fished the southern shore and caught 3 all around half pound mark and then it went very dour and windless
9 years ago
Anonymous said
On 12/6/2014 I fished from 8pm to around 11pm. After a long dry spell the loch level was low, and there was a slight west wind with light rain. I headed up to the South East corner, but the fish were rising just out of casting distance from the bank. As it darkened, the fish moved closer, but seemed to be fixated on caenis - swirling back and forward on the surface. Unusually, I caught nothing.

Back to Lexy's loch in the evening on 19/8/2014. There was brisk north wind so I headed along the North bank. The loch level was high, with no sign of rising fish. Just beyond the island, I landed two trout - one about 6oz, the other nearer to a pound. Both (safely returned) took a long shank Teal, Red and Silver.

Back on 24/5/15 - I fished from about 6pm to dusk. Wet and windy, with a high loch level and a large wave. I headed back to the South East corner, and tried a variety of flies until I found that I got most tugs on large bushy flies. I hooked, and lost, a trout on a Claret Bumble. Unfortunately I also hooked the heather, and snapped the top section of my 6 section rod.

Back on 27/5/15 with a new, stouter, rod! I fished from about 8pm to 10:30pm, on the South bank towards the East end. There was a modest, decreasing, West wind with a slight wave reducing to a ripple in sheltered water. I caught a 10oz (estimate) fish on a size 10 Black Pennel, then just before giving up, I hooked and landed a large yellow belly trout - possibly around 2lb, also on the size 10 Black Pennel. Both fish safely returned.