
Loch borralan

8 years ago
Anonymous said
Fished loch borralan in August 2016, it was perfect with us staying in the alt inn just across the road the water was quite dark and we manged to catch plenty of well fed spotted brown trout the biggest being 14 inch. The average size of the trout in borralan is very good with most being just under 1 lbs.

The morning was slow dad on a sinking line caught 1, 8 incher while grandad was wet flies floating Line and I was dry flies floating line and had a couple of small takes. While dad went to make the sandwiches, grandad wanted a row and I saw a few sedges popping up so fished a dry green wells glory and on the first cast caught a 1lbs fat trout that was a cracking fighter. After lunch grandad had a nap and me and dad went out for some for some fishing at the south west corner of the loch form the reeds round to the shallow rocks and after a bit of fun on terrestrial dries we took grandad out for a bit and he had two fish before the sun went down.

We caught the fish mostly on the Kate Mclarens and a few on green wells glory and a brown dry fly that was quite big. it was cloudy and a bit windy too.

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