I confirm what Stuart Taylor wrote in his 30th of June post : heading to some lochan between Cam Loch and Loch Veyatie one sunday morning of May 2013, around 8.am, I saw on the opposite bank of the first bay of Cam Loch when coming from the road, three folks fishing with static lines. I could see them well with my binoculars, but I was too far to speak with them. One comment of June 2011 had already pointed the problem, I see. I think the Assynt Angling Group should be vigilant with that.
By the way, that day, after a long walk along Cam Loch, II fished Lochan Nigheadh. Looked good, even if I haven't seen any fish moving, but I totally blanked. Would be very glad to read reports of -hopefully successful...- fishermen on that loch...
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