
Small hill lochs

12 years ago
Anonymous said
In recent years due to the book and other irresponsible publicity, some of the small hill lochs are being put under a lot of pressure. I have been fishing the area for over 25 years and an important part of the respect that you develop for the area and fish is the hard work in figuring it out for yourself. Those who are attracted to easy answers are less likely to have that respect. For many years I rarely encountered people. In 2012 I visited various lochs in June and saw unprecedented numbers of people. On one small hill loch when I arrived there were 4 anglers there. While I was fishing 2 more arrived. 2 left and I left after returning the fish I caught. As I walked down I encountered 3 more going up to the same small loch. Sorry but it is starting to get ridiculous. Speaking to other long term regulars in the hotel there was considerable unease about what is going on and the effect it can have on small lochs. If the book had to be written it would have been better to focus on larger lochs which arguably could benefit from some pressure and then left small hill lochs for those who are committed and develop care and respect for the area from hard work and experience.

Replies for "Small hill lochs"

9 years ago
Anonymous said
By concentrating too much attention on a small number of lochs ,Cathel's book has damaged the very thing that he sought to promote.
Like you I have spent 30+ years hiking out to remote lochs and figuring it out for myself and only sharing the information with a few trustworthy friends.
Be reassured that there are many other lochs out there,several of them rarely fished,containing some magnificent fish.
You will probably have fished some of them yourself.